Wednesday, November 5, 2008

election reaction and a little more about me

So, last night was the election and whatever. Obama won, which I expected, and quite frankly there wasn't a whole lot of drama once he took Pennsylvania and Ohio. It was just taking one more state and then California...and ship the Presidency in his direction. Obama is not a man who makes me feel like everything is going to be all right in four years, but no candidate in this election process did. Give credit to Obama for running what may be the most brilliant, innovative campaign in decades. One guy who lives in my dorm kind of short-sided him a little by saying that he got a shitton of votes because he was black (not in a condescending way, but just as an observation). This was definitely key, and perhaps 30 years from now, we will look back and say that no candidate had a shot in hell to take this from him. He also spoke to the youth of our country, invoking first-time voters and even teens who just missed out on this historic election to come in waves of support for the cause. Well done, sir. I wish you the best of luck as you inherit what has to be the worst situation our country has been in since the Great Depression. Two wars, an economy mired in a recession, and the upper third of the country who is pissed off because they are gonna get taxed up the asshole.

Quote of the last 30 seconds: "When you dookie and are forced to take a shower afterwards, that's a man's dookie!"

So, enough about our country...let's talk about me!!!

One thing I have always thought about myself is that I have taken a slightly different approach to life. I don't have the heart or the mindset to go out and run a business or leave school entirely and try to make a living in a non-traditional way like becoming a professional poker player or even just a straight-out hustler. At the same time, a lot about my life does bore me at times. Part of it is because I don't feel I quite fit in around here at school. Granted, I have great friends here and there's always fun times and stuff, but I wonder what would have happened if I had taken the route of like 1/3 of my high school and just went to like Umass Amherst or Umass Dartmouth. Would I have become just another "average" college student? Moreover, would I have liked it better than where I am now? If I were expelled from Babson tomorrow and were forced to go to a public college like ZooMass, I wouldn't be all that comfortable and would probably be more inclined to just leave and put in 40 hours a week of volume on Pokerstars and see where that takes me. If I had went to Bentley...actually, I have no idea, so if any of my readers goes to Bentley, then tell me why I made the wrong choice, it would be interesting comment box fodder for sure.

Another thing I have actually started to put some consideration into is getting a house with three other guys from school. Man, that would be sweet. I wish the rent per person wasn't so damn high around here, but I think that it could be feasible. I would have to look at how my financial aid would be affected and also try to calculate out how much money I would actually save, but to have a home of my own to live in rather than a room could be a really cool proposition. Not that I don't like it where I am right now, but a place where I can kind of float back and forth between school, home, work, and wherever would be awesome. It would be a lot easier if I had a better stream of income to operate off of though. Hmm...

I told myself I wouldn't do this, but, whatever, I'll talk a little bit about a heads-up match I had last night. We played PLO and NLH at .50/1 and although I got hitfor about 1.6 bi, I felt like I played fine and just lost both of the big pots in PLO and finished slightly ahead otherwise. We both played well and he got better cards in the big spots. One of the big PLO pots was just this standard top set vs. wrap where we got it in on the flop.

Me: 2-4-5-7
Villain: T-T-8-8
Board: 8-6-3-(A)-(6)

Nothing I can do there, I don't think.

The other one was a spot I thought I played kind of nice, but he made a tough call with a dry A-A-x-x hand and held. Preflop I opened pot with T-T-Kc-9c, then he repotted with A-A-Q-J or something. I decided to flat because I didn't give him much credit for hands besides AAxx or KKxx.
Flop: K74r.

He led for like 3/4 pot or something and I felt like I had a great spot to pick to semibluff here because KKxx almost has to fall out of his range with this flop, so I re-potted and put him to a decision. He eventually shoved, I called, and a 3c teaser was followed by a blank and he scooped up the winner. *sigh.

The reason we came up with this match was because he told me he was good at PLO and I instantly denied that statement. I think it was wrong for me to snap off like that, but in my mind, I have a hard time believing that you can be a winning player without playing some volume and seeing where you stand long-run. I myself have only logged about 30k hands in my time grinding c-games, so I don't even know for sure where I am. I was hoping it would turn out in my favor, but whatever, round 2 is bound to be in the works sooner or later.

I think that's all for now, I kinda wanna get some hands in while I have this pocket of free time...well, maybe a little mario kart on the wii first...Cheers!

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