Monday, November 3, 2008

Who is this kid called Vigz?

Hey, everyone. My name is Adam Vigneau, which was incorrectly pronounced vig-noo instead of Vee-know, and thus generated my nickname in high school, Vigz. Anyways, to introduce myself, I am 20 years old, a college student, single and available (no this isn't turning into a dating profile I swear), Korean, and a guy who used to blog about random crap and thought about giving it another shot.

So, why have I decided to write again? I don't know, I think it stems from this need to express myself in a way that the world can see, look at, comment on, and evaluate. My inspiration came from a simple blog on from a high-stakes poker player, Daniel Negreanu. For a while, his blog was the only one I read and I felt it provided a lot of insight into his mindset about stuff ranging from poker to his other ventures and hobbies. I decided to try and give this a shot, but eventually realized that no one wants to hear about how I ran in $5.50 27-man tournaments on pokerstars. So, I wrote about whatever came to mind, a few friends said some stuff about it and I eventually deleted all of the posts from my profile.

I do love the game of poker. I used to just put down 50 bucks, play for a while, lose, then bemoan this notion that if I ever got some money online, I could run it up and make a living doing something so non-traditional, baller even, that it should be something I pursued. Until this summer, this was my thinking. Then, I finally broke through on the first part of that statement...well, kind of. I ran 50 bucks all the way up to about 1900+ through going deep in a few tournaments, learning to play cash games much better than I ever imagined I would and finding help from a guy who graduated high school a year before me and currently goes to Umass Lowell. I'll leave names out for now, besides my own until I know the other people are comfortable letting me put names out there. Anywho, I cashed out a bunch and have been very up and down in how much I play and how dedicated I am to playing the game because I have this thing called school which really bites into my time, paired with the mix of a 20+hr/wk job, volunteer work that I am getting into So, the next phase of becoming pro seems out of reach, and that is fine. But my friend said that I could definitely become a 2/4 NL player by the time I graduate and stand to make some substantial supplemental income along with whatever job I can find out of college...or make some money while going to grad school, who knows?

So, while I am nothing special in the game, I am getting a much better understanding of how deeply I need to be focused in on a lot of aspects to be a winning player. I love the challenge of it all and I do love a good gamble as well. I think I'll leave my first post in like two years like that for now, but please don't think I am just a one-dimensional person. I'm just kinda tired right now and I know that I could go on for another 2 hours, but I kinda like this post as my new start.

Comments are always welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Vigz nniiice